
Honey is a product made by bees from sweet substances (nectar) secreted by plants to attract insects (bees and other pollinators) that will pollinate them, or from sweet substances secreted by aphids (honeydew), as well as from sweet substances secreted by the leaves of some plants through so-called extrafloral nectaries under suitable climatic conditions (honeydew...
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When consuming honey, the most important thing is to eat it as fresh as possible, ideally produced within the last two years, as it shows the best effects during this time. Although honey can be safely stored for thousands of years without spoiling, its biological effects decrease significantly because the biologically active substances in honey...
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As for those who should avoid using honey, they are almost exclusively individuals who, in rare cases, are allergic to honey or the plant pollen from which the honey is derived, as well as children under 12 months old, since honey is considered raw food. Caution is advised with all bee products, especially with propolis,...
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